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Typology of composition in Village prose of 20th century

A.Yu. Bolshakova

UDC 82.09                 


Bolshakova Alla Yu.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The purpose of this article is to give an idea of the typology of compositional forms in Russian literature of the last century on the example of the leading literary trend of the second half of the twentieth century, the Village prose, in which compositional organization was of priority importance in comparison with the plot. Understanding the composition as the internal structure of the work, the author of the article aims to prove its importance in the organization of the artistic whole. The tasks of the author of this work include consideration of such key types of composition for the Village prose as circular, associative, temporal (retrospective, anachronistic) ones, composition of off-plot elements, etc. This problem is solved on the basis of the study of the works by V.P. Astafyev, V.G. Rasputin, A.Ya. Yashin, B.P. Ekimov, etc. The significance of the sound image in the compositional organization of the work as associated with the traditions of the song culture of Russia has been considered separately. A special attention, based on the concept of B.A. Uspensky, is paid to the problem of points of view in narrative composition, the dialectic of which provides in the Village prose the narrative organization of the composition on the principle of changing points of view: from the highest points of view, coming from Russian cosmism, to the immanent current reality. As a result of this study, the conclusion has been made about the diversity and significant content of compositional forms that perform not a formal, but an essential role in the implementation of the ideological and artistic concepts of writers in the Village prose.

Keywords: compositional organization, typology, structure, the Village prose, the role of the sound image, the problem of points of view.



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