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“Grammar poetry” in the poem O. Sedakova “Alatyr”

Milyutina Marina G.

UDC 81`42             


Milyutina Marina G.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Russian Language,

Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Department

Udmurt State University



It is known that grammar is a link between the meanings of lexical and figurative-symbolic. The article proposes one of the possible options for interpreting O. Sedakova’s poem “Alatyr”, based mainly on his poetic grammar. Attention is focused on the change of temporal plans, infinitive series and the subject sphere of the poem. It has been shown that grammatical semantics, reinforced by lexical indicators, helps the poet to more accurately and deeply reveal the symbolic image of Alatyr through the image of the “cross of time” connecting the past with the future, to come to sleep, life with death, the beginning with the end. Infinitive series at the end of the poem, mainly consisting of verbs of imperfect form, allow Sedakova to express, at the grammatical level, a contemplation of real-irreal reality as sleep-death and make the implicitly presented modal plan of the poem more ambiguous. An open subjective position in infiinitives (ambiguous implied dative) makes it possible to interpret the filling of the subject sphere in different ways, to perceive it both as external (belonging to the reader) and as internal (belonging to the lyrical hero). The subject sphere organized in this way becomes trans-subject, and the poetic discourse acquires the opportunity to be assigned to any speaker.

Keywords: poetic grammar, poetry by O. Sedakova, infinitive writing, change of time plans, organization of subject sphere.



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