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Angelology of Elena Shvarts based on the book of poetry “Birdsong on the seabed”

O.V. Medukha

UDC 81`42           


Medukha Olesia V.,

Master’s degree, PhD student of the Russian Studies Department

St. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava (Slovakia)



The article analyzes one of the most representative images in the poetry of Elena Schwartz: the image of an angel. The analysis is based on the author’s collection “The Song of a Bird at the Bottom of the Sea”. An image of an angel is the actual reflection and rediscovery of the interactions between religious and everyday plans of human existence. The image forms a special motif in the neo-baroque poetry of Elena Schwartz as a frequent metaphor, which is also proven based on the analyzed material. A special strategy of the author’s interaction with the established context of Russian culture allows us to formulate conclusions about the state of the studied motif in the poetry of the underground of the 1970s and later. The result of the study is the application of the close reading technique on one of the texts, “In the Izmailovsky Cathedral”, as well as a systematic analysis of the image in other texts of the collection. As a result, the features of the functioning of the image are revealed, its dialogic orientation and visionary nature are analyzed, and the introduction of a metabola is considered. The image reveals a systemic relationship with other uses of the image of an angel and accompanying images, which manifests itself in the peculiarities of the connection of images with the elements and emotions, the lack of objectification of the image and absence of its transfer onto a human image. This confirms the special strategy of Elena Schwartz’s usage of fantastic creatures images.

Keywords: angel’s image, Elena Schwartz, neo-baroque poetry, metaphysical poetry.



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