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Language implementation of evaluation in Internet communication (based on the material of the news Instagram account of Tomsk)

Gritsenko Lubov M., Demidova Tatyana A., Salosina Irina V.

UDC 81`24               


Gritsenko Lubov M.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the

Russian Language Department of the School of Basic Engineering Training

Tomsk Polytechnic University


Demidova Tatyana A.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the

Russian Language Department of the School of Basic Engineering Training

Tomsk Polytechnic University


Salosina Irina V.,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the

Russian Language Department of the School of Basic Engineering Training

Tomsk Polytechnic University



The paper deals with the various ways of the expression of evaluation in Internet communication. The research material is the Internet commentaries of Tomsk news Instagram blog, which is one of the popular genres of virtual discourse. The purpose of the study is to identify and study linguistic means of implementing evaluation in a news Instagram account. The material analysis made it possible to discover the most frequent means of expressing of evaluation (lexical units and syntactic constructions). The most frequent means of expressing evaluation (lexical units and syntactic constructions) were determined. The article analyzes and describes the main characteristics of the means of implementing/ realizing implicit and explicit evaluation. The main characteristics of the means of implementing implicit and explicit evaluation are analyzed and described. The article examines the peculiarities of the representation of negative and positive evaluation, taking into account the discursive specifics in the Internet blog. The peculiarities of the representation of negative and positive evaluation in an Internet blog are investigated, taking into account the discursive specifics. From this article it is concluded that the main mean the expression of evaluation is irony. Its main parameters are described. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the main means of expressing the evaluation is irony, its main parameters are described.

Keywords: virtual discourse, Internet communication, Instagram, Internet commentary, evaluation, implication, explicitness, irony.



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