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About the significance of the recipient’s background knowledge factor for the comment text

A.A. Akulova

UDC 81`42:808.2          


Akulova Arina A.,

Independent Researcher, Leading Editor

“Neva Publishing House” LLC



The article is devoted to the problem of transferring background knowledge to the recipient of the text when composing the text of a commentary to a work of fiction; the need to translate not only referential, but also pragmatic and extralinguistic meanings of the text in the commentary is indicated. The transfer of extralinguistic — non-linguistic — components is an integral part of the modern practice of commenting when working with text. In linguistics, in relation to translated texts, this approach is called pragmatic, however, we emphasize that within the framework of this approach, we consider a commentary on a Russian-language foreign-cultural text, determine its function in the text. Special attention is paid to the typology of the commentary as a text from the standpoint of linguistic science. We believe that within the framework of the text-centric paradigm, we will analyze a kind of meta-texts “artistic text — commentary to it” (based on the well-known classification of intertextual and intratextual relations of J. Genette), we propose to consider them in chronological order.

Keywords: commentary, background knowledge, pragmatics, extralinguistic, intralinguistic, understanding, intercultural communication.



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