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Pragmatics of interdiscoursivity in the communicative space of mass media

A.A. Negryshev

UDC 81`42        


Negryshev Andrej A.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Second Foreign Language

and the Methodology of Foreign Language Teaching Department

Stoletov Vladimir State University



The article examines the interdiscoursivity as a phenomenon of the postmodern paradigm in media texts. Unlike the fiction discourse, where it has an aesthetic function and participates in the construction of multiple fictional reality, in the media discourse interdiscursivity is used as a tool for solving purely pragmatic problems. The specifics of the functioning of interdiscursivity in the media are considered in the article from the standpoint of a discursive-pragmatic approach. The methodological basis of the research is the textocentric model of discourse, in which the text is presented at the confluence of the intentional, cognitive, linguistic and referential dimensions of discourse. The dynamics of relations between the components of the discursive structure is described through the set of appropriate strategies that are realized in all these dimensions. Interdiscursivity in such a model is defined as the intersection and overlapping of similar strategies of different discourses and subdiscourses. The article attempts to describe the interdiscursive shifts of the identified strategies between the news, analytical and recreational subdiscourses of mass media. A conclusion is made about the predominance of the influencing-manipulative function of interdiscursivity in media discourse and about its special role in the intensification of suggestiveness of media texts.

Keywords: interdiscoursivity, media discourse, discourse strategies, discursive-pragmatic approach, suggestiveness of the media text.



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