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Basic conceptual metaphors in the system of Chechen poetic imagination

L.M. Dovletkireeva, V.Sh. Rasumov

UDC 811.351`2482-1                                  


Dovletkireeva Lidia M.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department

Kadirov Chechen State University;

Leading Researcher of the Chechen Literature and Folklore Laboratory

Institute of the Chechen Language


RasumovVakha Sh.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Chechen Philology Department

Kadirov Chechen State University;

Head of the Chechen Literature and Folklore Laboratory

Institute of the Chechen Language



In this article, the authors consider the metaphor in accordance with the cognitive science achievements in the context of the figurative system of Chechen poetry of the XX century. Based on the analysis of the poetic texts of the word masters, basic metaphors, conceptually significant for the Chechen national consciousness, are revealed, that is, the emphasis is not on the occasional system of tropes and the individual author’s model of the world, but on what role mentally conditioned metaphorization plays in this system. The subject of the study is the ethnocultural concepts-metaphors “mountain”, “tower”, “river”, “burka”, “papakha”, “wolf”, “eagle”, “jigit (konakh)” and a number of others, which are characterized on the basis of classical lyrical works of Sh. Aishanov, A. Dudaeva, M. Isaeva, A. Mamakaeva, M. Mamakaeva The methodology of literary criticism and cognitive linguistics is used in this work. The analysis carried out by the authors of the publication allows us to conclude that the individual picture of the world is under the unconscious influence of national imagery, which is a part of the world national language picture, which makes it possible to encode in the poetic text the most significant axiological concepts for the ethnic group “honor”, “freedom”, “dignity”, “bravery”, “love for the native land”, “loyalty to the word” and others, the lexical and symbolic expressions of which are the concepts-metaphors indicated above.

Keywords: concept metaphor, national image, thinking, mentality, basic metaphor, ethno-cultural meanings, ethnic worldview, national picture of the world.




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