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The philosophical basis of the aesthetics of A.S. Pushkin and I.S. Turgenev

M.A. Kurbakova

UDC 821.161.1-3


Kurbakova Marina A.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department

Moscow Polytechnic University



This article discusses the issue of the philosophical and creative aesthetic basis of Pushkin and Turgenev. The study pays special attention to the features of artistic and aesthetic similarities and differences between both writers. The results of a comparative analysis are presented, based on the history of aesthetics of the corresponding periods. The novelty of the work lies in the revision of previous studies on this topic and the introduction of important touches to the topic under study. The relevance of the research is due to the tasks of examining classical works using modern tools through the prism of new research. In the course of the research, a review of the work of writers and works of researchers in the context of this topic was carried out, which allows us to draw the following conclusions: the philosophical and aesthetic basis of the work of both writers most reflects the ideas of Kant, Schiller and Hegel; the beautiful and the good in their worldview are inseparable; both writers are united by nationality and the whole spectrum of socio-political issues; the creativity of the writers is excellent to the same extent that the Slavophil is different from the Westernizer; Turgenev’s aesthetics is less mobile and rosy, but represents a greater synthesis of philosophical and aesthetic attitudes of different types of art.

Keywords: literary continuity, aesthetic world, beauty, sense of proportion, nationality, Kant, Hegel, the concept of play.



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