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Linguistic worldview and Cultural intelligence: Azerbaijani person with a migrant background in Germany

A.B. Sobor

UDC 81`27  


Sobor Aida Burzu,

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor

Azerbaijan University of Languages

ORCID 0000-0002-4648-5299



The study was carried out in a new relevant linguistic paradigm — migration linguistics. The study of the interaction of Azerbaijanian and German, including multilingualism, language contacts and their linguistic consequences has taken into account cultural data. The description of the language situation is inclusive, i.e. the linguistic and cultural situation is described from the perspective of a migrant. Although the the main point of this study is to do research on the case from linguistics perspectives, the tendency related to the young adults of Azerbaijani migrant families who experienced both positive and negative apsects of second language acquisition was also thorouhgly analyzed. In this study, the method of secondary data analysis was used in order to determine the challenges that young adults encounter and benefits while learning second language including the German language as an example. The data which was obtained on the Internet shows that young adults’ linguistic perception was influenced by a wide range of factors including psychological, cultural, and family related issues which are directly connected to foreign language learning too.

Keywords: Sociolinguistics, Person with a Migrant Background, Migration and Language, Multilingualism — Azerbaijanian & German.



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