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Metaphorization as the main way of naming astronomical objects

S.V. Yakovleva

UDC 81`37             


Yakovleva Svetlana V.,

Teacher of Additional Education

of the Institute of the Russian Language

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



In our days scientific interest in metaphorical study is directly related to the research of speech, consciousness, thinking and conceptual systems, because human comprehends surrounding reality mainly through the language. Considering cosmonym “Milky Way” as an example the author of the article attempts to substantiate the opinion that all nominations of the astronomical objects represent as metaphors. Their correlation with the identifying and cognitive metaphor allowed us to conclude that the same nomination not only generates a specific, descriptive type of meaning, but also performs a cognitive function and contributes to the formation of a conceptual picture of the world. This fact can be confirmed by the material presented in the article, and on its basis we can see that the lexemes milk and way/road from nomination “Milky Way” are not randomly selected names for the designation of the Galaxy. They occupy a significant place in the Russian mentality and have to do with those cultural and value-semantic orientations, which were characterized by the sacralization of all things and cosmization as a way of transition from chaos to harmony and world order.

Keywords: cognitive metaphor, cosmonym “Milky Way”, nominations of the astronomical objects, conceptual picture of the world, the inner form of the word.




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