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Literary chronicle: on the problem of the institutional description of the activity of a literary organization

O.V. Bystrova

UDC 82-94


Bystrova Olga V.,

Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article explores the boundaries of the term “literary chronicle”. The scientific community is beginning to take a more detailed interest in such a concept as a literary institution. Throughout the twentieth century, literary studies studied and described only individual periods in the history of literature. This development of individual periods of the century helped to create the necessary theoretical tools for analytical work on the study of the socio-cultural process in society. For many years, the very attempt to understand the literary process as a phenomenon encountered terminological blurring. The accumulated knowledge of historical literary studies allows us to raise as a problem of scientific research a chronicle description of the life of a literary organization, which is understood as a structural association of creative people (on the example of individual facts of the existence of All-Russian Association of Proletarian Writers). It is the socio-institutional description of the life of the literary community of Russia in the 1920s that allows us to feel the communicative space of the country in which cultural processes take place. Another important aspect in the study of the chronicle of a literary institution is its existence in everyday life, that is, its existence in everyday life. With the frequency of meetings of members of the structural association. In this case, the scattered facts of everyday life become a historical stream of events.

Keywords: literary chronicle, literary process, literary institution, literary organization, All-Russian Association of Proletarian Writers, literary life, everyday life, “framework” of history.



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