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Perception modules and virtual creolization of a text in a verbal landscape

B.N. Zhanturina, I.V. Vashunina

UDC 81`42


Zhanturina Bakhyt N.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the English Language Department

Voennyi Universitet, Ministry of Defence, Russian Federation


Vashunina Irina V.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the German Language Department

Russian Foreign Trade Academy



Text generation in poetic landscapes is considered from cognitive positions, with nature perception as part of spatial event conceptualization procedure. Emily Dickinson’s poems (No. 140, 668) and their Russian versions were taken as illustrations as for perception modules as sensual components. Virtual creolization was dealt with, as well as ways of translation equivalence, omission and forced restructuring. Perceptual thinking is a lower pre-semantic level not represented in a clear way. Apart from lexemes with meanings based on a clearly-cut perceptual component percepts are present in sensory words as traces of former perception. Modularity in representing percepts and their images generates a textual quality of virtual creolization, synthesis of verbal component and that of its representation image together with /without a reminiscence from another module. Text generation in a primary and translation texts was described as a reconstruction of perceptual and cognitive activity inherent to observer-speaker in an actual period. The analysis shows virtual creolization as a characteristic of initial and translation texts, which makes omission and forced restructuring transformations necessary.

Keywords: perception module, percept, virtual creolization, omission, forced restructuring.



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