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New methods of metaphor identification in various types of discourse (Review of publications)

P.M. Shitikov

UDC 81`33


Shitikov Peter M.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Philological Education Department

Tyumen State University

Vershinina Svetlana V.,

Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Head of the Algebra and Mathematical Logic Department

Tyumen State University



This article presents a review of the latest procedures for identifying metaphor in multilingual texts and different types of discourse. The choice of methods for identifying and decoding metaphorical expressions is the starting point of any research in the field of metaphorology. With the development of corpus linguistics methods, the volume of analyzed material has grown thousands of times. So, the identification of linguistic expressions in discourse that realize conceptual metaphors has become one of the most challenging issues of modern metaphorology. The paper describes theoretical foundations and historical background for the solution of this issue. It is shown that it is impossible to verify this or that method without a large-scale approbation; in this connection, the developments of research groups (PALASIGMET, PRAGGLEJAZ) proved to be the most perspective. The MIP (metaphor identification procedure) was finalized in the metaphor laboratory of the Free University of Amsterdam with the name MIPVU. This methodology was a great success all over the world, however, in Russia only a few articles of introductory character have appeared. This article summarizes the experience of applying the procedures of metaphor identification in different languages and types of discourse.

Keywords: metaphor, corpus linguistics, translation, cognitive theory of metaphor, concept, pedagogy.



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