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Mental space of Russia in the media dimension

N.S. Tsvetova

UDC 811.161.1`3       


Tsvetova Nataliia S.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the MediaLinguistics Department

Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Saint Petersburg State University



The article presents the results of the study of the conceptual sphere of the media space on the example of the concept “family”. This concept has a high communicative status, which is determined by the special influence of the family as a social institution on the mental space of Russia. The concept has a special meaning for the actualization of key cognitive national stereotypes, and it has axiological content. The analytical algorithm is based on the logic of analyzing the semantic structure of concepts and following the chronological principle of presenting empirical material, which is necessary in this case. It was supposed to rely on the interpretative method of research. The main conclusion: in modern mass media, the traditional semantic structure of the concept “family” meets serious opposition and is subject to rethinking when reformatting the evaluative periphery of the associative field of the concept,

the figurative component of its semantic structure. The presented crisis changes are associated with the deactualization of the key axiological meanings of traditional culture, which for many centuries preserved the idea of ideal family relations as strictly repertory. The obvious conflict of the associative zone of the conceptual periphery testifies not so much to the intensity of modernization trends as to the sophistication of their manifestation, which needs to be investigated, since it can provoke a serious crisis of collective identity.

Keywords: concept, family, association, axiology, modernization, conflict.



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