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Ways to nominate characters in the tales of P.P. Bazhov

D.A. Shchukina, L.Yu. Stepanova

UDC 811.161`37                      


Shchukina Daria A.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Head of the Russian Language and Literature Department

Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Stepanova Lyubov Yu.,

PhD Student of the Russian Language and Literature Department

Saint-Petersburg Mining University



This article discusses a question of nomination characters in the tales of P.P. Bazhov. Character’s names in tales are studied from the point of view of etymology, symbolism and mythology. The aim of the research is to analyze the semantics of the character’s names in Bazhov’s tales. The hypothesis of the study is the following statement: symbolic and mythological conceptions about the named character, together with the context and meaning of the lexemes that make up the name, form the semantics of the name of one or another character. The analysis was based on the texts of Bazhov’s tales, included in collection works of the writer in 3 books (“The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, “The Malachite Box”, “The Stone flowe”, “The Mountain master”, “A Fragile twig”, “Zhelezko’s covers”, “Two lizards”, “Sochen’s gems”, “Grass trap”, “Old mountains gift”, "Ivanko Krylatko", "Ognevushka-Poskakushka", "Blue snake", etc.). The article identifies the features of the onomastic space of P.P. Bazhov's tales. This article considers ways to designate characters in tales, which are studied in the framework of onomastics. In this study, it was used a descriptive method (when generalizing theoretical knowledge on the subject under study), a method of component analysis (in interpretation of the semantics of a character’s name), a comparative method (when comparing characters to identify their common characteristics), and a classification method (in the classification of the names of the characters). Character’s names of Bazhov’s tales were divided on two groups and several subgroups depending on the character's belonging to the world of people or to the world of fantastic creatures. The results of the research can be used to further study the specifics of nomination characters in the tales of P.P. Bazhov.

Keywords: tale, onomastic space, a proper name, poetonym, folklore.




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The work has been supported by RFBR (project No. 20-312-90053).