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Translation of the culture-specific vocabulary in the Yakut heroic epic olonkho into Russian and English (based on the material of olonkho “Nurgun Bootur the Swift” by P.A. Oyunsky)

L.А. Lukachevskaja, I.V. Sobakina

UDC 81`25=512.15=161.1=111          


Lukachevskaja Lilianna А.,

Student of the Stylistics of the Yakut Language

and Russian-Yakut Translation Department

Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University


Sobakina Irina V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor

of the Stylistics of the Yakut Language and

Russian-Yakut Translation Department

Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University



The culture-specific vocabulary in the texts of epic works, which expresses the peculiarity of the culture of the people, creates certain difficulties in translation. In the proposed study, the analysis of the transmission of culture-specific vocabulary Olonkho “Nurgun Bootur the Swift” by P.A. Sleptsova in Russian and English. 825 examples were collected and grouped based on the classification of S. Vlakhov and S. Florin, the following groups were identified: proper names, realities, phraseological units, addresses, interjections, onomatopoeia. The analysis of the translation revealed that the most commonly used methods are transcription when translating proper names, realities and interjections; descriptive translation when translating proper names and realities as a commentary to the text, as well as, in some cases, when translating realities, phraseological units and addresses is used in the text itself; approximate translation when translating addresses, phraseological units and onomatopoeia. In the translations under consideration, the national flavor and specificity of the original language are preserved, and the translation methods are used in approximately the same amount for each group of of culture-specific vocabulary.

Keywords: non-equivalent vocabulary, translation, olonkho, proper names, realities, phraseological units, addresses, interjections, onomatopoeia.



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