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“Translation is a child of science and art”: Gerold K. Belger’s translation principles

M.B. Amalbekova, B.E. Shagimgereyeva

UDC 81`25     


Amalbekova Maral B.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Theory and

Practice of Translation Department

Gumilyov Eurasian National University


Shagimgereyeva Bakytgul E.,

PhD student of the General and Russian Linguistics Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The article presents the experience of understanding the translation principles of the Kazakh multilingual writer and translator G.K. Belger. His knowledge of the German, Kazakh and Russian languages determined his special creative, practical and research translation experience. The hypostasis of Belger as translator-practice, translator-researcher is not sufficiently exposed to scientific reflection in Kazakh and Russian translation studies. His rich practice of translation and critical understanding of his colleagues’ translations from Kazakh into Russian and German allowed G.K. Belger crystallized translation principles and theoretical conclusions, which are valuable for the further development of a particular theory of translation from Kazakh into Russian and German, as well as for a special theory of translation — translation of fiction. The article is accompanied by quotations by G.K. Belger in order to provide the readers themselves with some of the important conclusions of the translator and critic, and not with the translations and interpretations of the authors of the article. His rich practice of translation and critical understanding of his colleagues' translations from Kazakh into Russian and German allowed G.K. Belger crystallized translation principles and theoretical conclusions, which are valuable for the further development of a particular theory of translation from Kazakh into Russian and German, as well as for a special theory of translation — translation of fiction. The article is accompanied by quotations by G.K. Belger in order to provide the readers themselves with some of the important conclusions of the translator and critic, and not with the translations and interpretations of the authors of the article. Another reason for the sufficient number of citations is related to the fact that the books of G.K. Belger has little access to the Russian translation researcher.

Keywords: private theory of translation, translation, translation studies, translation principles, Kazakh language, Russian language, German language.



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