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The development of the oriental plot in the ballad by Lokhvitskaya “Enis-el-Jellis”

T.A. Dyachenko

UDC 821.161.1-1


Dyachenko Tatyana A.,

PhD student of the Literature Department

Astrakhan State University



The article discusses the development of the oriental plot in the ballad by Lokhvitskaya “Enis-el-Jellis”. The ballad is a poetic version of the literary novel of Lokhvitskaya and Balmont. The depiction of elements of traditional architecture, the realities of life, the description of the appearance of the lyrical heroine in the spirit of sophisticated oriental lyrics, the use of the motif of bliss make it possible to put the sensual world of the poetess’s experiences in a space of oriental exoticism. According to many biographers, the central image of the work — the slave Enis el-Jellis — this is Lokhvitskaya “dressed up” in the eastern beauty. Playing this role the poetess openly expresses her romantic feelings. Much attention is given to the color system of the ballad. The following colors belong to the image of the slave: scarlet, gold, blue / gray, which create positive connotations and consolidate the link “Enis el Jellis — colorfulness — life”. With the lover of the lyrical heroine — the knight — only two colors are associated: the black color of the night and the white color of his horse, which makes a double impression. In addition, the work notes the static and dynamic discription of the main images of the ballad.

Keywords: ballad, image, motive, Orient, oriental exoticism.



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