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“II-composites” as an object of neology and neography of the XXI century

N.V. Kozlovskya, Sz. Janurik

UDC 81`32


Kozlovskaya Natalia V.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Senior Scientific Researcher

of the Lexicography of the Modern Russian Language Department

Institute for Linguistic Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences



Janurik Sz.,

Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language

and Literature Department

Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest)



The article analyzes the contents and reflects the growth dynamics of a representative group which comprises compound neologisms with the first component stem II (ИИ) (a Russian abbreviation for “artificial intelligence”). It is the process of language integration that plays a significant role in the formation of compound nouns with the first component stem II: the currently widespread functioning of the above-mentioned pattern as well as of similar patterns results from the impact the analytism makes upon the vocabulary and grammar of the Russian language. The research based on the analysis of the data contained in the Russian National Corpus and the “Integrum” mass media database has proved that the component stem II belongs to the most productive formants in the Russian language of the 2010s. The article displays the main tendencies in the formation of lexical paradigms of the “II-compounds” in the modern Russian language. Of special significance in a quantitative sense is the hypernym-hyponym composition of nouns containing a seme “the ability to perform the functions which have traditionally been considered a human’s prerogative”: II-advokat (artificial intelligence (AI) barrister), II-dermatolog (artificial intelligence dermatologist), II-sekretar’ (artificial intelligence secretary), II-yurist (artificial intelligence lawyer). The article also mentions the process of discourse transition of scientific terms with the first component stem II into the modern newspaper and magazine publicism. On the basis of the expert sampling analysis a conclusion is drawn in the article about the heterogeneity of the formant II and the principles of its lexicographic description are outlined which are going to be represented in the publication of annual neological dictionaries “Lexical innovations in the Russian language” recommenced at the department of Modern Russian Lexicography at the Institute for Linguistic Studies of the RAS.

Keywords: analytism, compound word, neologism, component stem II (ИИ), definition, lexicographic representation.



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Electronic resources

Integrum — elektronnaia baza dannyh periodicheskih izdanii. URL: (15.08.2020).

NKRYA — Nacional’nyi korpus russkogo iazyka. URL: (15.08.2020).

Google Books Ngram Viewer. URL: (10.08.2020).

Google Books. URL: (10.08.2020).