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From the history of relationships between A.K. Voronsky and S.A. Yesenin

N.M. Malygina

UDC 82-94


Malygina Nina M.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Leading Researcher of Gorky Institute of World Literature

of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article proves it that A.K. Voronsky’s role in the fate of S.A. Yesenin was determined by the fact that the latter was an author of “Krasnaya Nov’” journal. It was clear to Voronsky that the popularity of the journal depended on that it carried Yesenin’s works as well as materials relating to them. Those circumstances predetermined the intensity of the communication between Voronsky and Yesenin in 1923–1925. The nature of the critic’s attitude to Yesenin is evidenced by the high assessment of Esenin’s works in a number of Voronsky’s monographic reviews about the poet. Voronsky also contributed to that the collected works of S.A. Yesenin be published. Voronsky’s participation in Yesenin’s fate deepened the conflict between the editor of “Krasnaya Nov’” and the ‘napostovtsy’, which ended in Voronsky’s defeat. The analysis of the creative relationships between Voronsky and Yesenin makes it possible to update the biographies of the poet and his leading critic of the 1920s.

Keywords: S. Yesenin, A. Voronsky, I. Evdokimov, the biography of a writer, history of Russian literature of the XX century, ‘napostovtsy’, “Pereval”, literary criticism.



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