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The plot structure in the Gothic text (the case of E.G. Swain’s “The Indian lampshade”)

M.A. Burtseva, A.A. Burtsev

UDC 821.111-3


Burtseva Marina A.,

Сandidate of Philology, Associate Professor

of the Oriental Languages and Area Studies Department 

of Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies

Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University



Burtsev Anatoly A.,

Doctor o of Philology, Professor

of the Russian and World Literature Department

Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University



The article studies the plot of the story of E.G. Swain “Indian Lampshade” in accordance with the four-phase model of the plot development of the literary text. Consistently distinguished four phases. Phase of isolation including a detailed description of the hero — priest Batchel in accordance with his value orientation and lifestyle. The partnership phase — the priest’s meeting with the evening guest and ghosts, which alternately appear in the mirror image as well as the situation of trying a new life behavior, which turns into a series of mystical trials for the hero. The phase of the encounter with death including the spectacle of death, the detection of objects that are evidence of a fatal crime as well as the behavior of the priest in the light of unraveling the secrets of the crime, which is very important for revealing the image of the protagonist and anticipating the final phase of the transformation of the hero in a new quality of life that takes place, first of all, psychologically. Analysis of the work of the English writer E.G. Swain on the basis of classic plot schemes allows us to confirm the thesis that the genre of the Gothic story arises on the basis of already mastered material and represents “the condensation of large forms”, in this case the Gothic novel.

Keywords: plot, Gothic prose, story, isolation phase, partnership phase, liminal phase, transformation phase, hero.



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