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Jerome Salinger and Heinrich Böll: experience of transcultural creativity

Z.A. Kuchukova, B.A. Berberov, L.B. Berberova

UDC 821.111(73)      


Kuchukova Zukhra A.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

of the Russian and Foreign Literature Department

Berbekov Kabardino-Balkarian State University



Berberov Burkhan A.,

Doctor of Philology, Head of Karachay-Balkar Philology Sector,

Institute of Humanitarian Researches — branch of th FSC “Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”



Berberova Liana B.,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of

English Language and Professional Communication Department

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



The article examines one of the notable in the history of world literature experiences of transcultural creativity on the material of the novels by the American J. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye” and the German G. Böll “Through the Eyes of the Clown”, linked not only by intertextual calls, but also by the name of R. Wright-Kovaleva, who translated both novels into Russian. Within the framework of such three-dimensional intercultural communication, a wide range of issues related to the phenomena of literary translation, palimpsest, prototext, comparative studies, game poetics are considered. The cultural codes identified by the method of continuous sampling include “the child as a narrator”, “infantilization of society”, “the disease of historical time”, “the lack of culture of Eros”, “art as a spiritual poison”.

Key words: world literature, J. Salinger, “The Catcher in the Rye”, G. Böll, “Through the Eyes of a Clown”, translation, intertextual space, game poetics, ontological metacode.



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