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Author’s translingual persona and possibility to preserve it in translation

T.A. Lupachyova

UDC 808.1-043.8/.9:81`24   


Lupachyova Tatyana A.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the

Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Department

Far Eastern Federal University



The goal of the present research is to reveal the opportunity to preserve a linguistic persona of a translingual author while translating literary works by contemporary Chinese American writers into Russian. The article attempts to analyze a linguistic persona of a translingual author of Chinese descent writing in English through the lens of translation into Russian and perception by a Russian reader. The author of the research concentrates mainly on the linguacultural means specific for translingual literary creativity: realia, phraseology, metaphors, contaminated speech, etc. The article raises concern about an adequate transmission of a “translingual trace”in the Russian translation based on the examples extracted from the books by Gish Jen and Amy Tan.

Keywords: translingual literature, literary translingualism, literary translation, contaminated speech, author’s linguistic persona.



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