UDC 808.1-043.8/.9:81`24
Lupachyova Tatyana A.,
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the
Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Department
Far Eastern Federal University
e-mail: lupachyova@yandex.ru
The goal of the present research is to reveal the opportunity to preserve a linguistic persona of a translingual author while translating literary works by contemporary Chinese American writers into Russian. The article attempts to analyze a linguistic persona of a translingual author of Chinese descent writing in English through the lens of translation into Russian and perception by a Russian reader. The author of the research concentrates mainly on the linguacultural means specific for translingual literary creativity: realia, phraseology, metaphors, contaminated speech, etc. The article raises concern about an adequate transmission of a “translingual trace”in the Russian translation based on the examples extracted from the books by Gish Jen and Amy Tan.
Keywords: translingual literature, literary translingualism, literary translation, contaminated speech, author’s linguistic persona.
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