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Intercultural Communication in Translingual Literary Text (based on the cycle of A. Zhaksylykov “Dreams of the Damned”)

O.A.Valikova, N. Schennikova, Sh.A. Kulieva

UDC 81`42


Valikova Olga A.,

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language

and Intercultural Communication Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



Shchennikova Nina V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language

and Intercultural Communication Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



Kulieva Sheker A.,

Candidate of History, Associate Professor

of the Foreign Languages Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The purpose of this article is to analyze the transcultural literary text as a space for the “meeting” of languages and cultures. The modern world exists in the conditions of global transculturalism (F. Ortiz), when sign systems interact, giving rise to new images of the world. The language, which translates into a wide communicative space the elements of the original culture for the author, experiences its influence on itself. The literary text acquires multidimensionality and “convexity” due to the inclusion in it of alternative genre forms, narrative strategies and tactics, archetypes. On the basis of the novel series “Dreams of the Damned”, written by the Kazakh writer A. Zhaksylykov, we demonstrate in this work the mechanisms of “internal intercultural interaction” between Kazakh and Russian cultures, using the methods of hermeneutic commentary, mythopoetic and narrative analysis. We come to the conclusion that cultural content requires the creation of adequate forms of artistic representation. The result is the creation of new novel forms of depiction, the complication of the artistic images of the world and the strengthening of the empathic effect that a literary text can provide.

Keywords: transculturalism, translinguism, Russian-language literature, Kazakh literature, ilinksal text, connectome discursive space, archetype.



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