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Correlation of speech research and functional stylistics: transdisciplinary approach to suggesting a hypothesis

M.P. Kotyurova


Kotyurova Maria P.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Perm State National Research University



The article represents a hypothesis about the correlation of terms “functional stylistics”, “discourse analysis”, “speech research”, “scientific functional style” and “individual scientific style”. The transdiscipline approach to suggesting a hypothesis is correlated with the use of different methodological items such as imposition, abstractiveness, gradualness, fractal based on dialectical logics, functional stylistics, stylistics of scientific individual speech, mathematics (geometry). The imposition relations are represented with the spherical model based on the anthropocentric approach which takes into account remoteness from man.

Keywords: transdiscipline approach, hypothesis, speech research, functional stylistics, spherical model, imposition relations, abstractiveness, fractal.




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