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The rhetorical originality of public discourse in the mirror of modern media

M.A. Chekunova


Chekunova Marina A.,

Associate Professor of Mass Communications

Faculty of Philology

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The article is dedicated to identifying special characteristics that determine the specifics of rhetorical techniques in the implementation of speech communication in the space of network public discourse on the platforms of open network media resources of mass communication. Considering the key factors of changes in the modern rhetorical paradigm, the author connects them with the intention of the participants of such discourse to influence the recipient, which shows the rhetorical nature of the statements. The author points out the importance of actualization of the principles of cooperativity and manipulativeness, emphasizes that the new ways of persuasion are not slogans and proclamations, but brevity, reaching to telegraphy, clarity, clarity and simplicity statements. The author notes that the rhetoric should combine the methods of expressiveness of business, massmedia and conversational styles, which already determines its originality and novelty. According to the author, in the public network discourse the logo is revealed through the speech manner of the speaker, the ethos — in total more vivid than in the offline format, appraisal (ethical) judgments, and pathos appeals to the acute feelings of the virtual personality. On specific examples, the author shows that the rhetorical categories of clarity, relevance and beauty determine the originality of the modern public network media discourse.

Keywords: rhetoric, discourse, media discourse, open media, network, Internet.



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