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Linguistic design of an informational media picture of an event in a news format

R.A. Savastenko


Savastenko Roman A.,

Senior Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication

Faculty of Philology

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The article is devoted to the study of information and news content online in the coordinates of its linguistic design. Considering the features of information deployment through the multiplicity of mini-texts, combined in a common sequence in an arbitrary order and giving rise to a spontaneous mosaic idea of the event in the process of understanding them, the author reveals the redundancy and incompleteness of linguistic design, which clearly reflects its traditional paratextuality, represented through relationships text and header complex. The author believes that the semantic dominant of all messages is information concentrated in the headings, which is differently, but very succinctly supplemented by some details, and the syntactic means of the linguistic design of the news media text, on the contrary, demonstrate uniformity that ensures the universality of the assimilation of meanings. According to the author, the syntactic universality of linguistic design frees the attention of the audience and allows it to concentrate on meaningful meanings. The author proposes the concept of “fair polyphony”, in which a repeatedly repeated key frame of information becomes an important technique for influencing an audience. Based on theoretical sources, the author analyzes specific examples and concludes that a collection of short news messages processed and compiled by an automatic news aggregator can be considered as a single mega-media text, the linguistic design of which provides a high degree of impact on the audience.

Keywords: linguistic design, media text, news, information message, language and style.



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