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Reflection of a precedent in the headlines of online publications

Adriana Heraldit Plaza Rondon, Jacques Marius Bieleng


Adriana Heraldit Plaza Rondon (Venezuela),

graduate student of the department of mass communications

Faculty of Philology,

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



Jacques Marius Bieleng (Cameroon),

graduate student of the department of mass communications

Faculty of Philology,

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The article is devoted to the identification of specific linguistic characteristics of the precedent proper name in the heading of a media text as in its special component. Considering various approaches to understanding the term “concept”, the authors identify a number of similarities with understanding the essence of the concept in medialinguistics and extrapolate this concept to the functioning of a proper name in Russian media news publications. Based on the material of the headlines of Russian network informational tapes, in which the name of the former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, known for his passionarity, appears, the authors examine the internal relationships between the precedence of the proper name as a concept and the specificity of the concentration of the meanings of the media text in its title. The authors pay attention to the possibilities of a proper name to become a concept and perform case-studies in a media text, which, in turn, becomes case-law. The authors reveal that, using the precedent name proper “Hugo Chavez” in the content of the title, makes the title not only informative, but also fills it with additional hidden connotations of a convoluted nature. As a result of the analysis, the authors come to the conclusion that the heading of the media text is a concentrator of information-driven meanings, and the proper name used in it becomes a concept that determines the precedent of publication.

Keywords: precedent, precedent text, concept, media text, proper name, headline, Hugo Chavez.



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