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On the impact of the Internet on the linguistic-discourse paradigm of modern media text

V.V. Barabash, Hussein Rauf Mohamed Ali


Barabash Victor V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

Head of the Department of Mass Communications,

Dean of the Faculty of Philology

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



Hussein Rauf Mohamed Ali,

Graduate Student of the Department of Mass Communications

Faculty of Philology

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The article is devoted to pressing issues of the development of media discourse under the influence of modern information technologies. The authors begin their argument by explaining the specifics of the Internet in connection with its role in the reorganization of communication processes, the transformation of the discourse paradigm and the transformation of linguistic and extralinguistic factors in the formation of the media image and its discourse parameters. Then, the authors consider the reasons for the need to review the factors generating media texts, due to the dynamics of the restructuring of network communication. Based on the works of famous scientists in the field of medialogy, imageology, medialinguistics and linguistics, the authors summarize new challenges and main trends in the functioning space of media texts related to the formation of media images of various countries abroad. The authors then consider various aspects of updating the media discourse, which include the development of intertextuality, interactivity, hypertext, creativity, convolution ability, dialogicity, collective authorship, convergence, visualization, multi-coding, which lead to the appearance of isverb as a special type of media text that requires a revision of the discourse paradigm. Using examples of media texts that form media images of Turkey and Vietnam in Russia and Russia in China, the authors identify important changes in the verbal and non-verbal presentation of information and the design of meanings, which prove the updating of the media discourse due to the formation of a multicode holistic content-semantic structure of media texts.

Keywords: discourse, linguistic discourse, media text, media discourse, Internet, isoverb, multicode.



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