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Fragmentation and regeneration of emotions

A.A. Shteba


Shteba Alexey A.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Romance Philology


Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University



The article deals with the processes of linguistic categorization of “atypical” (mixed) emotions. By means of the biological metaphor of fragmentation and regeneration is shown the formation of new nominations of emotions. Special attention is paid to the discovery of emotional valence in words-nominations of emotions, which retain emotional dominant, but varies emotionally-semantic component, as well as to the mixed emotions of three types: of monovalent, polyvalent and ambivalent clustering. It is proposed to determine the dominant of mixed emotions through the theme-rheme analysis at the level of micro distribution.

Keywords: mixed emotions, autopoesis, fragmentation of emotions, regeneration of emotions, emotive valences.




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