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Auto-intertext in the story by S. Dovlatov “The Foreigner”

O.V. Bogdanova, E.А. Vlasova


Bogdanova Olga V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Leading Researcher of the Institute of Philological Studies

Saint-Petersburg State University,

Leading Researcher of the Research Institute of Educational

Regional Studies

Russian State Pedagogical University



Vlasova Elizabeth A.,

PhD Student of the Research Institute of Educational Regional Studies

Russian State Pedagogical University



The article discusses the intertextual field of Sergei Dovlatov’s novel “The Foreigner” and establishes a correlation between the heroine Mary Tatarovich and the hero of the whole prose Boris (Alikhanov – Dovlatov – Dalmato,). In some examples, the article shows that these characters — characters-twins, female and male variant of the invariant, both the alter ego of the author. Unlike previous interpretations of the story, the emphasis is not on the stylistic features of the writer’s narrative style, but on the figurative system of the story, which is not inferior to other texts and is included in the single metatext of Dovlatov’s prose.

Keywords: modern Russian prose, Sergei Dovlatov, the novel “The Foreigner”, intertextual field, autointertext.



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