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Linguistic and axiological parameters of the popular science discourse of information technology

A.Yu. Bagiyan, T.A. Shiryaeva, A.R. Arakelova


Bagiyan Alexander Yu.,

Саndidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the English

Language and Professional Communication Department

Pyatigorsk State University



Shiryaeva Tatiana A.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the English Language and

Professional Communication Department

Pyatigorsk State University



Arakelova Amaliya R.,

Саndidate of Philology, teacher of the English Language and

Professional Communication Department

Pyatigorsk State University



Current English-language popular science discourse of information technology is an increasingly interesting sphere of research for linguistics and the branches of science related to it. Due to extensive interference of information technology  into many areas of human life, communication about this phenomenon among other things has a lot of pragmatic and axiological potential. Values verbalized in the popular science discourse of information technology are not only the result of cognitive and linguistic activity of people, but they are also a factor that defines the way communication unfolds. The authors analyze popular science texts about information technology in order to identify axiologically rich concepts which acquire linguistic form via various language means. The revealed concepts reflect the value system of professionals involved into the communication about information technology   and also contribute to understanding of the ultimate motives and value reference points of the discourse participants. Lexical, stylistic and syntax means serve to actualize axiological concepts in the texts as well as help the addresser to influence the addressee. The results of the conducted research presented in the article include the description of the axiological concept sphere of the popular science discourse of information technology, identification of the most relevant concepts of this discourse and close analysis of their language representation.

Keywords: axiology, axiological concept, information technology, popular science discourse, values.



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