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Ethymological dictionary of the Russian language — heritage of the Russian and world linguistics (pro-Fasmer)

M. Dzhusupov


Dzhusupov Mahabet,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Professor of the Modern Russian Language Department

Uzbek State University of World Languages



The article deals with the problem of culture of scientific discussion on the material of antifasmer content of V.L. Pisanov’s article in the “Literaturnaya gazeta” “The mine, which was planted by Max Fasmer”. The author of the article attributes antirussism, adherence to fascist ideology, extensive to Indo-European bias of M. Fasmer in the process of creating four-volume Ethymological dictionary of the Russian language. All topics above do not content in the Dictionary. Compliance with a culture of the scientific discussion is the basis of a scientific development. It is observed in all works, including in V.V. Ivanov’s, O.O. Suleymenov’s investigations of the ancient origin of a word and script. The Ethymological dictionary of the Russian language is the unique work, which was created by the great scientist, humanitarian scientist, who stands on a fundamental platform of objectivity and verity of science. M. Fasmer considers a science as supranational, supraindividual, supraideological occurrence of an attitude reality and its relation to humanity on the whole. M. Fasmer appeals to living and dead languages: Slavic, German, Roman, Turkic, Latin, Greek etc. to define an ethymon of a word. Ethymon of a word could be found not only in the Russian or another Slavic languages, but also in languages of other families (Indo-European, Ural-Altai etc.). Such objective scientific analysis, scientific search of M. Fasmer is necessity for carry outing an ethymological investigavtion, thus mutual action, mutual influence of languages and cultures rest indelible mark from the ancient times in modern national languages and cultures. Ethymological dictionary of the Russian language of M. Fasmer is a model for creating ethymological dictionaries on the material of other languages. Antifamerity of V.L. Pisanov in scientific terms is antiobjective, antievidential, anticultural, antihumane statement. M. Fasmer and his four-volume Ethymological dictionary of the Russian language is pro-Fasmer, pro-ethymology, pro-scientifity, pro-humanity.

Keywords: ethymological dictionary, the Russian language, ancient origin, code of speech, Anti-Fasmer, Pro-Fasmer, culture of scientific discussion.



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