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Author’s paroimia You can not catch an old sparrow with an oat in the Russian language at the beginning of the XX century

A.V. Zagrebel`niy


Zagrebel’nyi Artur V.,

Candidate of Philology, Research Assistant of the Editorial and

Publishing Activities and Scientific and Information Support Department

Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article is devoted to the analysis of the author's paroimia You can not catch an old sparrow with an oat. In the course of working with the sources of the period of 1900–1917 the only case of using this paroimia in the rubric “New Proverbs” of the socio-political satirical magazine “Zarnitsy” was revealed. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time the author's paroimia You can not catch an old sparrow with an oat is analyzed, which has not previously attracted the attention of researchers. The methods of component, contextual, logical and semiotic analysis, as well as analysis of vocabulary definitions were used in the work. As a result of the study, the following results were obtained: a source paroimia was established; a structural and semantic transformation of the source paroimia was characterized; by determining the belonging of the source paroimia and formed on its basis author’s paroimia to the same higher logical and semiotic invariant and logical and thematic group (terminology of G.L. Permyakov) scientifically substantiated recognition in the author’s paroimia of its system prototype; an analysis of the events of Russian history of the period of the first Russian revolution, which led to the emergence of a new paroimia, was done, the author’s paroimia judgment was formulated, its type was defined; the article considers peculiarities of formation of the author’s paroimias. In the final part of the article the prospects of further research, including the development and description of the missing in modern linguistics unified methods of diachronic analysis of author’s paroimias; representation and study of the corpus of author's paroimias as a system of education; identification, systematization and description of transformational mechanisms of formation of author’s paroimias; compilation of the dictionary of author’s paroimiology of the Russian language of the beginning of the XX century.

Keywords: author's paroimia, diachronic analysis, structural and semantic transformation, source paroimia, higher logical and semiotic invariant type.



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