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«Flower spirals»: incomplete incarnation as a constructive principle in Afanasii Fet’s poetry

M. Weisskopf


Weisskopf Michael,

Doctor of Philosophy

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (emeritus)



Fet’s worldview is interpreted as a tense combination of two mutually exclusive trends. One is a permanent, essentially suicidal urge to dissolve and cease to exist, motivated, on the surface, by Schopenhauer. The other expressed itself in the pragmatic desire to achieve a career, that is to assert and strengthen one’s earthly existence however ephemeral it is perceived by the mind. The former view, captured in Fet’s very poetry, led to the unrestrained dynamics of the lyrical subject who is always prone to become one with objects of the external world, to transform into another person or to melt away in a dreamy haze. The second trend was expressed in all Fet’s constructive social roles as a country squire and as a judge and, not least, in his conservative journalism and then in the servile behavior in contacts with the throne. In Fet’s poetry, however, a compromise is achieved between the two polar aspirations, attraction to non-existence and desire to be. It is the permanent motif of under-incarnation, incompleteness of all action or state. This prevailing treat turns into an inescapable fear of sex. It possibly was prompted by Fet’s own phobias, but it also coincided which one of Russian romanticism dominant features.

Keywords: lyrics, will, unconscious, Bible, death, impotence.


References in the footnotes (translit Cyrillic script)


1. Klenin E. The poetics of Afanasy Fet. Köln, Weimar, Wien, 2002. P. 72–73.

2. No references.

3. Literaturnoe nasledstvo. A.A. Fet i ego literaturnoe okruzhenie. T. 103. Kn. 1–2. M., 2008–2011. Kn. 2. Moscow, 2011. S. 301–302 (dalee sootvetstvenno LN 1 i LN 2); Russkoe obozrenie. Vyp. 1. Moscow, 1901. S. 274–280.

4. Fet A.A. Nashi korni. St. Petersburg; Moscow, 2013. S. 175.

5. LN 2. S. 261; LN 2. S. 422.

6. Kurliandskaia G.B. Filosofskie motivy v pozdnei lirike Feta // Kontekst 1988. Moscow, 1989. S. 104; Vishnevskaia N.A. Fet – Shopengauer – Indiia: Tipologicheskie sviazi romantizma. Moscow, 2013. S. 67; Klenin E. Op. cit. P. 43–52.

7. Fet A. Rannie gody moei zhizni. Moscow, 1893. S. 209.

8. Faustov A.A. “Ia” i “Ty” v lirike Feta // 175 let so dnia rozhdeniia Feta: sb. nauch. tr. Kursk, 1996. Kozubovskaia G.P. Poeziia A. Feta i mifologiia: ucheb. posobie k spetskursu. Barnaul; M., 1991. S. 92–93.

9. Faustov A.A. Ukaz. soch. S. 209–211.

10. Shopengauer A. Mir kak volia i predstavlenie: per. A. Feta. Izd. 4-e. St. Petersburg, 1894. S. 229.

11. Fet A.A. Stikhotvoreniia i poemy. Izd. 3-e. Moscow, 1986. S. 695. Bukhshtab B.Ia. A.A. Fet. Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva. Moscow, 1974. S. 86–87.

12. Shopengauer A. Mir kak volia i predstavlenie: per. A. Feta. Izd. 4-e. St. Petersburg, 1894. S. 254.

13. No references.

14. No references.

15. Klenin E. The poetics of Afanasy Fet. P. 47–49; Monin M.A. Filosofiia Shopengauera v poezii A.A. Feta // A.A. Fet i russkaia literatura. Fetovskie chteniia. Kursk; Orel, 2000. S. 122.

16. Klenin E. Op. cit. P. 72.

17. Tolstoy L. Perepiska s russkimi pisateliami: v 2 t. (dale — Perepiska). T. 2. Moscow, 1978. S. 92. Faustov A.A. “Ia” i “Ty” v lirike Feta // 175 let so dnia rozhdeniia Feta: sb. nauch. tr. Kursk, 1996. S. 206–207.)

18. Perepiska. T. 2. S. 80.

19. LN 1. Moscow, 2008. S. 732.

20. LN 2. Moscow, 2011. S. 304.

21. Perepiska. T. 2. S. 100.

22. Tam zhe. T. 2. S. 22.

23. Perepiska. T. 2. S. 81–82.

24. Ibid. S. 23.

25. Klenin E. Op. cit. P. 74, n. 36.

26. B.Ia. Bukhshtab: Fet A.A. Stikhotvoreniia i poemy. Izd. 3-e. Leningrad, 1986. S. 670.

27. Fet A. Rannie gody moei zhizni. Moscow, 1893. S. 115.

28. Schopenhauer A. Mir kak volia i predstavlenie: per. A. Feta. Izd. 4-e. St. Petersburg, 1894. C. 166.

29. Faustov A. “Ia” i “Ty” v lirike Feta // 175 let so dnia rozhdeniia Feta: sb. nauch. tr. Kursk, 1996. S. 209–210.

30. Vaiskopf M. Vliublennyi demiurg: metafizika i erotika russkogo romantizma. Moscow, 2012.