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The Concept-Hyperreality in the novel “The Paper Men” by W. Golding

A.K. Islamova


Islamova Alla K.,

Candidate of Philology; assistant professor

Associate Professor of the English Language Department of Economics and Law at

Faculty of Philology

St.-Petersburg State University



The article considers the concept-hyperreality in the novel “The Paper Men” by W. Golding as a fundamental block of logical thoughts and artistic ideas that are represented in the writer’s grotesque picture of distorted reality in individual mind and existence. The philosophical framework of the concept is identified in the strategic perspective of literary work where the writer puts forward the moral measures of value and empirical criteria of authenticity against postmodern trends to eliminating the boarders between artefacts of culture and facts of reality. The concrete subject-matter of the author’s literary concept “hyperreality” is derived from the analysis of its ontological, ethical and aesthetic meanings as related to the eventful order and the eventual contents of the life story narrated in the novel.

Keywords: concept, hyperreality, discourse order, simulation, simulacrum.



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