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Structural features of the terms in the religious sphere (based on the English Language)

E.V. Miletova


Miletova Ekaterina V.

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Senior Lecturer of the Chair of English Language and Professional Communication

Pyatigorsk State University, Russia



The article is devoted to the analysis of the structural features of the English terms in the sphere of religion. The research is based on modern English religious texts of scientific and popular scientific literature posted on the Internet. The author distinguishes two main classes of terms that function within the designated area of knowledge: one-component (sin, Incarnation) and two-component (Holy Spirit, Promised Land, triune God).

The paper presents statistical data on the sample, which makes it possible to judge the frequency of the use of the indicated classes of terms in the thematic texts on religion, as well as their representation by different parts of speech. Based on the analysis of empirical material, the author speaks about the prevalence of one-component terms over two-component terms. The first class of terms is verbalized by nouns, and the second one, besides nouns, includes other parts of speech, often adjectives.

Keywords: term, structure, one-component/two-component terms, core/periphery, religion, English.




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