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Magazine “Smes’” and novel “El Criticón” by Baltasar Gracián

L.A. Trakhtenberg


Trakhtenberg Lev A.,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

at the Department of the History of Russian Literature,

Faculty of Philology

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The connection between the Russian satirical magazine Smes’ (“The Medley”) and El Criticón, an allegorical novel by Baltasar Gracián, is demonstrated for the first time. It is shown that two articles in Smes’ are in fact fragments translated from El Criticón. Apparently, not the Spanish original but its French translation was the immediate source of the Russian text. The articles in Smes’ differ from their source in several important details, thus changing the meaning of the text. In one of them, “Pride always flatters us…”, the characters approach those usual for Russian satire. Another one, “A letter from my friend”, is connected to the actual historic context of the Russo-Turkish war of the 1768–1774.

Keywords: 18th-century Russian literature, international literary relations, satirical magazines, allegory.


Sources in Russian language


1. Pukhov, V.V. Kto zhe izdaval zhurnal “Smes'”? Russkaya literature, 1981, no. 2, pp. 159–162.

2.           Rak, V.D. Gipotezy ob izdatele zhurnala “Smes'” . In: XVIII vek. Leningrad, 1989. Sbornic 16: Itogi i problemy izucheniya russkoy literatury XVIII veka. Pp. 76–103.

3. Smes', novoe ezhenedel'noe izdanie. [St. Petersburg, 1769].

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5. Rak, V.D. Inostrannaya literatura v russkikh zhurnalakh XVIII veka (Bibliograficheskiy obzor). In: Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' “Russko-evropeyskie literaturnye svyazi: XVIII vek”. St. Petersburg, 2008, Pp. 316–410.

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9. Grasian, B. Karmannyy orakul. Kritikon. E.M. Lysenko & L.E. Pinskiy (Eds). Moscow, 1981. (Lit. pamyatniki).

10. Rak, V.D. Russkie literaturnye sborniki i periodicheskie izdaniya vtoroy poloviny XVIII veka: (Inostrannye istochniki, sostav, tekhnika kompilyatsii). St. Petersburg, 1998.

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16. Sankt-Peterburgskie vedomosti. [St. Petersburg, 1769].

17. Truten', ezhenedel'noe izdanie, na 1769 god. St. Petersburg, [1769].


Foreign sources

18. Gordon, L.S. Gabriel-François Coyer et son œuvre en Russie. Revue des études slaves, 1963, Vol. 42, Fasc. 1–4, P. 67–82.

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24. Diccionario de la lengua castellana… compuesto por la Real Academia Española. Vol. 1. Madrid, 1726.

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