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The imagery of sociolect texts and the ways of its rendering in English translations (On the material of E. Ginzburg’s and V. Shalamov’s Camp prose)

E.V. Kharitonova


Kharitonova Elena V.,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor,

English Department

North-Eastern State University, Magadan



The article aims at studying the specific characteristics of sociolect texts, which perform the function of communication between different subcultures. The article also deals with peculiarities of translating the imagery characteristic for the vocabulary of sociolect texts — sociolectisms. As culture-bound lexical units sociolectisms do not only reflect the features of this or that subculture at referential level, but also transmit a unique system of cultural values, the psychology and ideology of a social group. Social and cultural characteristics of a sociolect text make it not only the means of communication between the sender and the receiver, but also the bearer of a unique cultural code which must be correctly interpreted and translated to the target language. Camp sociolect holds a very special place among traditional social dialects. Its specificity, as well as its aims and functions distinguish it from thieves’ slang or prison jargon. In contrast to pejorative function, which is superior in cant or prison jargon, the leading function of camp sociolect is to show expressiveness and emotional character of speech. In this respect further analysis of the ways of rendering the imagery and expressiveness of sociolect speech from the source language to the target language can be of both practical and theoretical value.

Keywords: social dialect (sociolect), camp sociolect, imagery, expressiveness, translation problems.



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