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Communicative aspects of the concept crazy / insane according to the dictionaries of phraseology and paremiology

V.B. Shirshikov


Shirshikov Vladislav B.,

Candidate of Philology, associate Professor

Moscow State University of Railway Transportation, Institute of Law



This article analyzes the concept crazy in Russian and English phraseology and paremiologii. Communicative behavior is connected with the concept of three categories covering the entire concept: 1) category, representing the concept of a madman in its literal sense — mentally ill; 2) in this category a metaphorical component of the concept is represented — the loss of control, self-control; 3) the third category is the localization. English concept in Russian as well as English is associated with the concept crazy, fool. The basis of the category of representations of the concept put different features that are specific to each culture. Axiological importance of the mind in Russian culture is marked by an ambivalent character.

Keywords: idioms, picture of the world, the concept of crazy / insane, concept analysis, communication




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