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Dictionary as a language index (Analitical review of the book “Syntactic dictionary of Russian poetry of the XVIII century”)

N.V. Khalikova

Sintaksicheskii slovar’ russkoi poezii XVΙΙΙ veka: v 4 t. / рod red. N.V  Patroevoi. T. 1: Kantemir. Trediakovskii. St. Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 2017. 576 s.

ISBN 978-5-86007-845-1



UDC 81`36(038)=161.1       


Khalikovа Natalja V.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Modern Russian Language Department

Moscow Region State University



The collective work of the Petrozavodsk linguistic school of artistic text is reviewed. The syntax dictionary of Russian poetry of the 18th century is unparalleled in lexicographical practice. The originality of solving problems that are relevant for historical stylistics and “non-lexical” lexicography of problems is noted, the methodology for analyzing the evolution of poetic language is considered. The necessity of going beyond the lexical and morphological levels to the syntactic one in the creation of consolidated and separate author dictionaries is substantiated.

Keywords: poetic syntax, Russian poetry of XVIII century, the syntactic dictionary, author's lexicography, syntactic dictionary, “syntactic portrait” of the poet, Petrozavodsk school of studying the language of fiction.



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