UDC 811.512.14`42
Amineva Venera R.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Literature and
Methods of its Teaching Department
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University;
Leading Researcher
Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
e-mail: amineva1000@list.ru
Based on the material of the translation of poems of Tatar poets of the 60s, made by R. Kozhevnikova, the features of the representation of hybrid identity, which is carried out both “within”, “inside” homogeneous culture, and “on the boundaries”, “between” different traditions are studied. Unlike other Russian-speaking poets-translators such as R. Bukharaev, who is painfully experiencing a crisis of his identity, R. Kozhevnikova feels an organic involvement in the traditions of both Tatar and Russian cultures. It is concluded that in R. Kozhevnikova’s lyrics and in her translations of Tatar poetry, there is a synthetizing tendency focused on overcoming the boundaries between different historical and cultural meanings. But unlike the original works, which have specific accentuation and actualize ordinary relations between the word and the reality defined by it, in translated texts there are not identical value and semantic horizons. The means of clarifying the original text used by the translator as a form of inter-literary dialogue are described. It is stated that the transformation of an “alien” verbal and artistic practice in a “different” / “own” in the translation process is followed by the strengthening of the emotional and suggestive component of the text, its musical and sound, rhythmic and intonational instrumentation carried out by means of the Russian language, the development of subjective situation which makes the basis of the work, identification with the genres familiar to the Russian-speaking reader.
Key words: R. Kozhevnikova, boundary, dialogue, “own”, “alien”, national tradition, interpretation, Russian language.
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