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R. Bukharaev’s poem “Prayer for the Cup” as a transcultural text

V.R. Amineva

UDC 82     


Amineva Venera R.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,  

Professor of the Russian Literature and Teaching Techniques Department

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University;

Leading Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The characteristics of a new type of literary discourse having a feature of transculturality is given on the material of a poem “Prayer for the Cup” (1989–1991) a significant work by R. Bukharaev. A global, multicultural and international world is reconstructed in the poem, the existence of which is determined by the idea of transitivity — simultaneity and continuous flow, transitions from one into another: epochs, events, topos, languages. The hero of this world — is a lonely stranger, walking along the road of life, linearly opening the autonomous world of his “I”. the history of his spiritual travel correlates with the way of Christ full of suffering. The poem is full of historical and literary allusions and reminiscences from the world literary works, performing an identifying function. It is stated that identification performed by different elements of a literary text is carried out both “on the borders”, “in the interval” between different traditions, as well as “within the limits”, “inside” a homogeneous culture. Therefore, it is multiple, and meanwhile fundamentally incomplete, “split”, “fluid”, “intermediate”, “flickering”, probabilistically multiple, constantly questioning its status and revealing the growing plasticity of the subject, who is in the process of constantly recreating its own “I”. A new form of worldview, the product of which is a phenomenon of transcultural literature, is formed by synthesizing tendency. It functions within the artistic world of the poem and overcomes the boundaries between different types of culture and traditions, demonstrating the way new meanings overcome it, tolerant in their content and functions, can be appear from confrontation. An ability of an artistic image to endless mutual overflowing and transformations of meaning is a new quality of poetic language corresponding to the peculiarities of the transcultural type of artistic consciousness.

Keywords: Russian-language literature, cultural frontier, identity, poetics, transitiveness, subjective and objective structures, synthesis.



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