UDC 821.161.1-32
Primochkina Natalia N.,
Doctor of Philology,
Leading Researcher
Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
e-mail: nprim47@yandex.ru
The article raises the question of Gorky as the Creator of a new aesthetic reality. The author shows his desire to overcome the spiritual and creative crisis of the early 1920s, which arose as a result of the tragic events of the First world war and the Russian revolution, and to update his creative method by including elements of modernist art: symbolism, impressionism, and the avant-garde. As an example, the author analyzes Gorky’s little — known unfinished novel “The Dream” (1923), it is shown that the writer widely used the key principle of modernist art-estrangement in its poetics. With this technique, the writer managed to create a text in which dream and reality, reality and illusion were artfully mixed and almost indistinguishable. The technique of detachment also helped Gorky to penetrate deeply into the spiritual world of his heroine and show the depicted reality through the eyes of a naive teenage girl.
Keywords: M. Gorky, “Dream”, poetics, estrangement, reality, illusion, children’s thinking and language.
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