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“The lost streetcar” by Nikolay Gumilyov: literature review

A.A. Shuneyko, O.V. Chibisova

UDC 821.161.1-1   


Shuneyko Alexander A.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Department

Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University



Chibisova Olga V.,

Candidate of Cultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the

Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Department

Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University



The aim of the work is to review the scientific literature on one of N. Gumilyov’s most famous poems, “The Lost Streetcar,” one hundred years from the date of writing, due to the lack of an accurate dating of its creation, is in 2019, 2020, or 2021. The availability of a large number of analytical works indicates the constant interest of researchers in this multifaceted and ambiguous poem. The work is aimed at the implementation of several tasks: to give a comprehensive picture of the assessment of the text; look at it through the prism of analytics; reveal the true validity of certain interpretations; identify the main points of application of analytical thought; to discover how a clash of different interpretations of the same facts makes it possible to characterize the truth of these interpretations. It consists of four interconnected parts that take into account a different degree of interpretation breadth. The total representation of the materials associated with each of these parts allows drawing a number of conclusions. In particular, that the very first characteristics given by the poet’s contemporaries do not lose their relevance nowadays. And that researchers’ enthusiasm for seeking intertextual links sometimes leaves out discussing the individual author style features of the text itself. It is also important that researchers literally dissolve the poem in contexts that are significant for world culture and deprive it of independence. Assessments and interpretations of the text can be both in a relationship of mutual complementarity, and can be mutually exclusive. The perception of the text as reflecting biographical facts and esoteric generalizations and preferences of the author represents the main opposition, the components of which are focused on all studies of the poem.

Keywords: Gumilyov, poetry, “The Lost Streetcar,” research.



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