Gejmbuh Elena Yu.,
Doctor of Philology, Lecturer, Professor,
Department of Russian language of Institute of the Humanities
Moscow city pedagogical University
Gordeeva Olga M.,
Applicant for the degree of Ph.D. of Philology,
Department of Russian language of Institute of the Humanities
Moscow city pedagogical University
This articles studies the interrogative sentences (primarily rhetorical) in I. Bunin lyrics in the aspect of addressing. Addressing is considered as an (explicit or implicit) indication of a perceiving consciousness in a lyrical monologue.
Keywords: addressing, interrogative sentences, rhetorical question, autocommunication question, Bunin’s lyrics.
1. Bunin I.A. Sobranie sochinenij v 8-mi tt. — T. 1. — M.: Mosk. rabochij, 1993. — 540 s.
2. Golubeva-Monatkina N.I. K probleme illokutivnoj logiki voprositel'nogo predlozhenija (voprositel'noe predlozhenie v rechevom akte) / Pragmatika i problemy intensional'nosti. — M.: INION, 1988. — S. 144—154.
3. Russkaja grammatika: nauchnye trudy / E.A. Bryzgunova i dr. Reprintnoe izdanie. — M.: Institut russkogo jazyka im. V.V. Vinogradova RAN, 2005. —712 s.