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Odessa Text of the Russian Literature (making the problem)

Kalmykova Vera V.
80,00 ₽

Kalmykova Vera V.,

Candidate of Philology,

Member of Writers Union of Moscow

Main editor of “Russian Impulse” Publishers (Moscow)


The author of the article is the first to analyze the phenomenon of the «Odessa text» in Russian literature. Based on the concepts of «urban text» and «archetypal mifologema» it introduces a number of features of this phenomenon, which are fundamentally different from such texts of Russian literature as Jerusalem, St. Petersburg, Moscow, provincial and Venetian. The author emphasizes the organizing principle of the Odessa text (system and not structural), which differs from other texts, the role of Pushkin and modus of the Russian literary language.

Keywords: Odessa text, urban text, Moscow text, Jerusalem text, multicultural area, Russian literature.


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