Zhilene Ekaterina S.,
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture$
F.M. Dostoevsky Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy
e-mail: ebibergan@yandex.ru
The article examines the features of the poet Timur Kibirov’s entry into the number of participants in the “Moscow romantic conceptualism” movement and the originality of his first “conceptualist” poem “Through Farewell Tears” (1987). On the basis of a detailed analysis of the poetics of the Kibirov text, the originality of the author’s position is revealed and the prospect of the subsequent evolution of the artistic worldview of the poet entering the bosom of conceptualism is outlined. In the article, based on the material of the poem “Through Farewell Tears”, the issues of compositional construction of the work, figurative and ideological attitudes are actualized, the image of the lyrical hero (the author’s alter ego) is considered and the author’s position of the writer is revealed. The purpose of the analysis is, in the context of the practices of “senior” conceptualists that had already developed by the mid-1980s, to determine the specifics of the figurative-motional and structural-compositional features of Kibirov’s poem and to show the cultural identity, the originality of his view of the history of the country “rebuilding” at that time. The article shows that, despite the poet’s traditional inclusion among the Moscow conceptualist writers, Kibirov’s initial ideological and artistic position was sharply opposed to their strategies and tactics. It is emphasized that the expressive monotony of the poem “Through Farewell Tears” is not a sign of solidarity for conceptual poets who revise the forms of socialist realist art and declaratively deconstruct it, but the desire of a young poet to speak with his reader in a familiar language, to achieve mutual understanding and poetically expressively discover nostalgic gratitude to his past and the passing history of his native country.
Keywords: conceptual poetry, Timur Kibirov, “Through Parting Tears”, Soviet literary canons, axiology and objectivism
The study was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 23-18-01007, https://rscf.ru/project/23-18-01007/); Russian Christian Humanities Academy named after F.M. Dostoevsky
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