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Features of interpersonal communication in modern socio-cultural conditions

R.H. Khairullina
80,00 ₽
UDC 81`27

Khayrullina Raysa Kh.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Institute of Philological Education and Intercultural Communications

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla;

Chief Scientific Officer

M. Karim International Center for the Promotion of Russian Language and Literature



The article describes the living language processes in spoken language, including the features of Internet communication. Special attention is paid to the implementation of the law of speech economy in everyday communication, the identification and analysis of such forms of implementation of the law as the reduction of words by abbreviation, the use of graphic forms in contactless communication and the active use of speech stamps as a reaction to information received in the process of interpersonal communication. The study showed that the implementation of the law of speech economy is due to both extralinguistic (dynamism of modern life, technologization of people’s spheres of life, changes in mentality, etc.) and linguistic factors. The classification of speech stamps according to linguistic and pragmatic features is proposed, and the stereotypical everyday situations of their use are analyzed. The results can be used to identify the dynamics of the development of live spoken language in modern socio-cultural conditions. The prospects of the research suggest further study of live colloquial speech as a reflection of the cultural and historical development of society.

Keywords: mass communication, Internet communication, speech stamp, social networks, the law of speech economy, live conversational speech



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