UDC 821.22:821.161.1
DOI 10.20339/PhS.3-24.083
Yahyapour Marzieh,
Candidate of Philology, Professor
University of Tehran (Tehran, Iran)
e-mail: myahya@ut.ac.ir
Scopus ID: 57219025316
Karimi-Motahhar Janolah,
Candidate of Philology, Professor
University of Tehran (Tehran, Iran)
e-mail: jkarimi@ut.ac.ir
Scopus ID: 57270830600
The article deals with the content and structure of the rain mytholegeme in the lyrics of the Russian poet I.A. Bunin and Iranian poet G. Golchin. The material of the article is the poems “Like a haze covering the distance of the fields for half an hour…” (1889) and “Three nights” (1889–1897) by Ivan Bunin and the poem “Rain” (1940) by Golchin Gilani. The study is carried out within the framework of the methodology of the American school of comparative literature. This is the first time it has been carried out on this material. The method involves the comparison of works of different national literatures beyond language barriers as an integral unity with a common set of images and mythologies. The possibility of applying this approach is tested by comparing the content of the rain mythologeme in the lyrics of both poets. When analyzing the research literature, it was found that water images are a constant attribute in the work of Bunin and Golchin. The images of rain by Bunin and Golchin are correlated with their national traditions in the light of the problem of intertextuality and cultural memory, the relationships and contexts of Bunin and Golchin’s poems are indicated. The study revealed intertextual connections between the interpretation of the image of rain in the poems of both poets and the precedent texts of Saadi, Hafiz and Movlana, common motifs of the ambivalent image of rain. The similarity of the semantic field of the mythologeme of rain in the author’s interpretations and philosophical and artistic contexts of both poets is proved. It has been established that the structure of the image of rain is realized at the level of motives: rain – purification, rain – joy, rain – destruction, rain – destruction, etc.
Keywords: Ivan Bunin, Golchin Gilani, landscape poet, natural images, rain
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